Green tea is a very popular drink among us in Sri Lanka. Although it contains many health benefits such as diabetes control, cancer control, and cholesterol control, most people drink green tea to lose weight.

Not everyone who drinks green tea loses a lot of weight. There are other things to follow for that. Special attention should be paid to things like exercise and diet. At the same time, the weight of the body is reduced by using green tea. There are a few things you need to know about green tea to get it and its other benefits. By knowing and following these things, you have the ability to acquire the power of the green tea you drink more than ever before. Why do you drink green tea?

First, identify your need.

If you drink it to reduce body weight, it is best to drink it while eating. But it is said that it is inappropriate to drink with food if you are suffering from diseases like gastritis.

If you drink green tea to control diseases like diabetes, and cholesterol, it is advisable to drink green tea two hours after eating.

While preparing the tea leaves, it is necessary to grind the tea leaves well. Therefore, the keratin chemical, which is an important chemical in tea, is removed from the tea powder. Also, the cover of the tea bag absorbs some part of that chemical. Therefore, to get the proper quality of green tea, it is appropriate to get it separately, not in tea bags.

Also, before drinking green tea, you must know these facts.

Drinking green tea immediately after waking up in the morning can dehydrate the body and cause gastritis. Sometimes vomiting, difficulty in keeping the body straight, dizziness, headache etc. can also occur.

As these are good for brain function, they prevent mental stress which is suitable for brain development while reducing body weight. If you can drink a cup of green tea before exercising, you will get the ability to exercise longer.

Avoid giving green tea to young children because it prevents the body from absorbing nutrients from food.

Make sure not to drink more than three cups a day.

How to prepare green tea correctly

According to different types of tea leaves, the temperature of the water to be used in preparing green tea and the time to be boiled are different. So it is safer to follow the instructions on the package of the type of green tea you take.

You can achieve more favourable results by not adding sugar or milk while drinking green tea. Especially adding milk can destroy its antioxidant properties.

Green tea promotes oral health.

Did you think that green tea can beautify your smile after drinking it although you drink it to lose weight? No, right?

The catechins in green tea can kill bacteria and viruses in your mouth. Therefore, green tea has a unique ability to control tooth decay. Not only that, green tea can prevent bad breath and throat infections.

Is green tea good for everyone?

No matter how many benefits it brings to health, there are also conditions that are not suitable for drinking green tea.

People with gastritis can improve their condition by drinking more green tea.

Green tea is not recommended for those suffering from iron deficiency such as anaemia. This is because green tea inhibits the body's absorption of iron from food.

Drinking green tea is not very beneficial for small children as it reduces the nutrition they should get from food.

Pregnant and lactating mothers should also avoid drinking green tea.