What is this Bayleaf?
We add leaves such as curry leaves, Rampa, etc. to increase the flavor of the food and bay leaves are a type of dry leaves used in many foreign countries. These grow very well in cold countries and these plants, full of dark green thick leaves, produce special white flowers. These grow as small, medium and large trees. In England, they are planted in the garden as an indispensable plant in many homes.
Many people think that these bay leaves are dry cinnamon leaves or yellow cinnamon. But no. This is a kulubuduwa made by drying the leaves of bay trees. These can be added to various foods in raw or powdered form.
Especially when making Indian dishes like biryani, garam masala, and meats, this is something that must be added.
After cooking, however, bay leaves are usually removed from the food. These are difficult to eat on their own. It has a bitter and unpleasant taste, so once the healthy taste is added to the food, the bay leaves are removed before eating.
There are many types of bay leaves in different countries of the world. Mexican, Indian, Californian, West Indian, Bay Laurel, Indonesian etc.
However, some species of bay leaves are not edible. Therefore, if you buy bay plants, buy on the advice of someone with experience.
Bay leaves contain many vitamins and minerals and are suitable for diabetics.
Bay leaves have been used in other countries since ancient times, just as many people put lime leaves in boiling water and steam them well in cases of common colds. Thus, it has been used as a herb for headaches, colds, nasal congestion and mental well-being.
And these are well-known liquids used in soaps, shampoos, hand washes and many other products.
You can buy these from many supermarkets, and many people who find it difficult to find them use dried cinnamon leaves for this.