21 benefits of drinking barley water

Barley, known by the botanical name of Hordeum vulgare, is a grain with amazing nutritional properties. In fact, it contains many vitamins B, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, dietary fiber and antioxidants.  There are many health benefits that can be obtained by adding these to our diet.

In fact, barley has many culinary uses, especially when it is used as an essential ingredient in the healthy production of foods such as bread, soup, and stew. Not only that, but also as a malt source, especially for beer.

In addition, a delicious drink is also prepared using barley. Barley water is actually very beneficial for our health than using barley in other ways. By drinking it, we have the ability to get many health benefits. So today we are telling you about it.

Barley water

Materials needed

• 1 cup of barley
• 7-8 cups of water
• Juice of 1 lemon
• A tablespoon of honey
• A cinnamon stick
• Ginger.

How to prepare

First take the piece of barley, cinnamon and ginger that you have procured and boil it well in water for about 30 minutes. Now filter the boiled mixture well. Next add lemon juice and honey to enhance the taste of the filtered barley water mixture. Now your delicious  Drink barley water.

So here are some health benefits of drinking barley water which has so many properties.

1. Barley contains a lot of dietary fiber which helps in keeping your digestion and metabolism balanced. This makes you feel fuller for longer and thus reduces food cravings. In this way, barley water can help you lose weight.  .

2. Since barley contains many antioxidants, you can reduce the risk of cancer by regularly including this drink in your diet. Also, due to the presence of fiber in barley, it helps to produce good bacteria in your intestines.

3. Barley water can be known as a wonderful drink that cures urinary infections. In fact, it acts as a diuretic that removes toxins from the body through urine.  So consume this drink daily until your UTI subsides.

4. Barley water has been used as a medicine since ancient times to prevent many problems related to the stomach and intestines. It also helps to facilitate the process of digestion.

5. Studies have even revealed that drinking unsweetened barley water can control the increase in blood sugar, because the antioxidants in it work to control blood sugar levels.
6. The chemical substances contained in barley help to suppress bad cholesterol and improve overall cardiovascular health. Not only that, but the antioxidants and fiber present in them also help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

7. You can also improve the health of your skin by drinking barley water.  It also helps in improving your skin tone.

8. Barley water is very good for your kidneys. Especially it helps to remove kidney stones. Not only that, it disinfects the kidneys and thus reduces the risk of kidney cancer.

9. Barley water can be identified as the best natural remedy that can be used to relieve anemia. Because barley water contains copper, it helps to improve the production of hemoglobin. Therefore, to improve the number of red blood cells for those with anemia.  It is very advisable to drink this iron-rich barley water.

10. Barley water contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen your immune system. Therefore, barley has the ability to prevent colds and coughs. Also, by drinking barley water, you can get rid of your fatigue.

11. The insoluble fiber contained in barley water reduces the secretion of bile acids. The lower the level of bile acid, the better the insulin sensitivity and this works to reduce the level of triglycerides. Therefore, it also helps to prevent the formation of gallstones.

12. The vitamin B contained in this energy drink works to prevent fat deposition and thickening on the artery walls.
13. The calcium, copper and phosphorus in barley water help to strengthen your bones. Also, this drink contains manganese, which plays a big role in bone production. Studies have even revealed that a glass of barley has eleven times more calcium than a glass of milk.  Also, this excellent drink helps to prevent and cure osteoporosis.

In addition to all these benefits, drinking barley water is very important for women. Studies have even revealed that barley water is very beneficial for women. Especially for pregnant and lactating women, drinking barley water helps to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk produced regularly.  So here are some special benefits of drinking barley water for women.

14. The pain-relieving properties of this drink help in relieving the pain during the early days of breastfeeding.

15 .Drinking barley water stimulates the production of digestive juices which relieves indigestion and related problems in mothers as well as babies.

16. Barley water has a low glycemic index, so it helps mothers with new babies lose pregnancy weight in a healthy way.

17. Pregnant mothers can drink barley water to relieve morning sickness experienced during the first trimester.

18. Drinking barley water can relieve urinary tract infections and yeast infections during pregnancy.

19. Regular use of this drink can prevent gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

20. Helps prevent high blood pressure after pregnancy with this amazing drink.

21. Barley water helps reduce nasal congestion during pregnancy.
Now it is clear to you that barley water is a delicious drink with many nutritional properties, but since barley contains a high amount of gluten, it is unsuitable for people with gluten allergies.  Because if you are gluten allergic, after drinking barley water you will suffer from nausea, stomach ache, indigestion, headache, vomiting and diarrhea. In that case, it is better to stop using it and consult a doctor.