Properties of coffee

 As we know it in everyday life, there are two main types of coffee: regular coffee and instant coffee. That's the normal coffee we drink, like the normal coffee like the island, and the instant coffee like Nescafe and Bru. Here is the difference between the two. Ordinary coffee, as we all know, is made by roasting, frying and grinding coffee beans. Instant coffee is the process by which ordinary coffee is dissolved and turned back into a powder under high heat or cold. As well as the method of production there is a difference between the amount of caffeine in these two types. This means that regular coffee contains more caffeine than instant coffee.

 Coffee beans types

 The coffee beans used to make this coffee powder are classified into two main types.

  • Arabica - This is the most popular type of coffee. Due to the unique flavour of this type, many people who like coffee choose this type called Arabica.
  • Robusta - Arabica is the most popular type, but this robusta is cheaper and a little harsher than the other. Also, the amount of caffeine in this type is higher than in Arabica.

Statistics show that 60% of the world's coffee production is Arabica and 40% is Robusta. 

There are several types of coffee drinks made using the aforementioned coffee beans.


Advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee

 There are pros and cons to drinking coffee.

Here are the advantages:

  • Coffee is an energy drink that enhances the body's activity.
  • Coffee helps to burn unwanted fat and lose weight.
  • Increases mental concentration.
  • Coffee can also reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Parkinson's.
  • Coffee can reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Coffee also helps control mental level and depression.

 The disadvantages are as follows.

  • Drinking coffee of poor quality can cause illness. Therefore, if you are addicted, you should choose the best quality coffee.

Consequences of excessive coffee drinking

 Caffeine is a drug found in coffee. It is very helpful to take any medicine in small doses. Taking it in large volumes does irreversible damage. Concentrations of more than 10g of caffeine in the body are deadly. It is therefore not recommended to consume more than four cups a day.

 Caffeine stimulates the nerve endings and gives them constant energy. Prolonged exposure can cause this process to become stressful, causing nerve cells to degenerate and disrupt the body's function.

 The caloric content of coffee with milk is not usually high, but many coffee drinkers add cream with sugar instead of milk. This increases the calorie and fat content of the drink as a whole. But this disadvantage is dangerous only for people who have an allergic reaction to lactose. Eating any dairy product with coffee can cause diarrhoea and other allergies in these people.

 Caffeine-free drinks are offered to coffee lovers who suffer from excessive caffeine and are reluctant to give up the habit.