Bilimbi (bilin) fruit benefits & Delicious food from Bilin

"Bilin" fruit is a dish that everyone knows. Although it is a little sour, the qualities here are very precious. It can cure many diseases. That's because of the amazing qualities it has. Although the fruit called "Bilin" is not as famous as other fruits grown all over the world, Bilin contains a lot of nutritional quality that we do not think. Some of the most important health benefits we can get from using "bilin" are: You can easily cure cough by using a mixture of three "bilin" and sugar along with a few fenugreek seeds. Boil this mixture well in boiling hot water and let it evaporate for a few hours. Then, put half of this mixture in two bowls and drink one part of an empty stomach in the morning. Drink the rest in the evening. "Bilin" is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Due to the acidic solutions contained in the "bilin," it has the ability to secure acne effectively. Cut a small piece from a bilberry , place it on the infected area, and wash the area with clean water for a few minutes until the healing process takes place.

Although this method of treatment is quite painful to treat 'Ullogama' in the throat, it is an effective treatment method due to the acidity contained in the bill. If you also have this infection, crush a "bilin" fruit and place it in the infected areas. To cure occasional joint pain, take a bunch of "bilin" leaves, grind it well, mix it with water, prepare a mixture, and apply it two or three times a day on the affected area. To treat muscle stiffness, add a bunch of bilge leaves, 10 garlic cloves, 15 pepper, and a little vinegar, and grind well to prepare a mixture. Apply this mild mixture on the areas of muscle stiffness. When you have a toothache, keep a small amount of crushed burdock root on the aching tooth. This simple medicine will be more powerful than the painkillers available from pharmacies.

"Bilin", which contains a large amount of antioxidants, is very beneficial for phlegm. It is a very good food for diabetic patients. Due to its high acidity, it also has the ability to cure acne.

 Cut a slice of the billing fruit , place it on the pimple, and massage and wash it off.

 Bilin is very good for controlling fungal diseases as well as for toothache and fat burning.

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How to make a bilin plums

1. Take 500g "Biling" fruits 

2.Cut the two sides of the nut well and remove it

  (When we put lime in water and when we put it in water, we need to absorb it well)

3.Soak these nuts in water with a teaspoon of lime dissolved for 12 hours or more

4.After 12 hours or more, take them out and wipe them well with a cloth.

5.Add 3 cups of water to 500g of sugar, put the nuts in the melted pani, and keep it closed for     five   days.

 6.Shake well every day.

 7.On the fifth day, take all these out and dry them.

 Or you can get sunburned Or dry in the oven 

Biling pickle


  • 1 litre of vinegar
  • Big onion 250 g
  • Red onion 200 g
  • Green chillies 50 g
  • 50 g halibut (small halibut)
  • A little salt
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard
  • 5 tablespoons of mackerel powder
  • 10 to 15 roasted chilli pods
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander
  •  2 tablespoons of pepper powder
  •   A little oil

 How to make:

 First of all, cut the onions into quarters , clean, and wash the red onions.

Split the green chilli pods in two. Remember, don't separate them.

 Now, put a clay plate on the stove and put oil. When the oil is hot, fry the big onions and red onions. (Many people go to fry the onions and fry the onions. Fry them carefully without putting the fire or flame on the stove because if the onions get burnt, the quality of the food will be completely destroyed.)

 In the same way, fry the green chillies and the bills separately. (You have to be very careful not to burn the "biling" when you add them. Because I also try to do it too nervously and add little "biling," and it gets burnt.)

  Finally, fry the halibut. If you fry the onion in the same oil as the halibut, the quality will be lost.

  Next, grind mustard and roasted chillies and salt with vinegar. (Remember that for a pickle to taste good, you must have a good vinegar.

 Now add turmeric, pepper powder, coriander, cumin, and mackerel and add the bills. Add red onions, green chillies, and big onions to it and fry well. Remember to take care of yourself

  Now, put this in a good clay pot. (Don't put it in glass pots). I put a paper in the pot, put a polythene cover on top of it, and put a rubber band. Now, you can keep this for two or three months.