What are the properties of coconut water?

The coastal coconut plant is botanically known as Cocus nucifera. Every part of the coconut can be used, such as coconut husk, coconut milk, coconut shell and coconut water.  

Today we will introduce the benefits of coconut water.

Coconut water is a refreshing drink. Contains nutrients such as vitamin B, C, E, iron, calcium, potassium, sulfur amino acids, plant hormones etc. It is an antioxidant. It is said that coconut water, known as the world's most valuable natural drink, cured about 50,000 people by using it as saline during the Second World War.

Cures skin diseases

Dehydration of the skin can be prevented, thereby preventing skin diseases and infections. It also removes toxins from the skin.

Treats acne

By drinking coconut water, removes the germs from the skin and controls the oiliness of the skin, thereby preventing the formation of acne on the skin surface.

Heals sunburned skin

You can mix the coconut water with chickpea flour and apply it on your face as a face pack. This will restore your sunburned and discolored skin. You will be able to brighten the skin.

Healthy and shiny hair

By massaging your scalp with coconut water, you can have beautiful hair. Therefore, it protects the moisture of the hair roots and also acts as a natural conditioner.

Improves heart health

Drinking coconut water can control blood cholesterol levels and therefore maintain your heart health at a better level.

Reduces the risk of kidney stones

As coconut water removes excess potassium and chlorine from the body, it reduces the risk of kidney stones and improves kidney function.

Reduces urinary tract infections

The antibacterial properties of coconut water reduce the infections that may occur in the bladder. Also, by passing urine well, the germs in the bladder are removed, thus preventing the infections that may occur in the bladder.

Strengthens bones

Coconut water is a very good source of calcium, which makes your bone system stronger.

Lowers blood sugar levels

Coconut water is a good source of magnesium, which increases insulin sensitivity and thus lowers blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Can lower blood pressure

Coconut water has been found to reduce the risk of blood clots in your arteries and control blood pressure because it is rich in anti-thrombotic activity. 

So you can use coconut water which has many benefits like this without throwing it away.

Dehydration can be prevented by giving coconut water to diarrhoea patients. Thyroxine deficiency causes goitre. Drinking coconut water helps to prevent thyroxine deficiency.  

Fresh coconut water is rich in vitamin C. The vitamin content in coconut water is higher than that of milk powder. So giving fresh coconut water to young children can boost immunity. It protects them from infectious diseases.

Coconut water is rich in antioxidants. It destroys free radicals that cause cancer. Prevents diseases related to digestive system in old people. Coconut water has many benefits for the human body.

Vinegar can be made from coconut water.

Put the water of the cracked coconut in a glass bottle, add a teaspoon of sugar (5mg), close the lid and keep it for 3 weeks. Shake the bottle well daily and open and close the cap to remove the gas from the bottle. By the fourth week, vinegar is formed. This vinegar can also be used to make food.

Commercially making vinegar from coconut water

Add 250 g of sugar to one litre of coconut water and heat it until it boils. Put half a teaspoon of yeast to ferment and stir well, cover the pot well and keep it for a week (7 days). Again the mixture is heated to 60 centigrade. After cooling, a little 10% vinegar. Stir well and cover the open part of the jar with a cloth and keep it for about a month. Heat again to the temperature of 60 degrees Celsius and pack in bottles and leave to cool. This way you can market these products.

Benefits of Coconut Vinegar

1. Discolored pots can be cleaned.

2. Put the rusty items in a mixture of vinegar and water and keep them for 4 days and wash them clean.

3. To clean blocked pipes, add vinegar, baking soda and water mixture and put the mixture to the pipe.

4. You can spray some vinegar to keep natural flowers fresh.

5. To remove the soot in the refrigerator and electric stove, put vinegar in a small bowl and keep the appliance closed for a while and remove the vinegar bowl.


Are you wondering about the benefits of coconut water and the vinegar produced from it? Let's not waste coconut water.