Materials needed

1 kg of red or black grapes 

1 1/2 kilos of sugar 

4 teaspoons of yeast 

3 liters of water 

4-5 pieces of cinnamon bark 

A pinch of nutmeg

How to make

Remove the seeds from the grapes and extract the juice from the skin.  Dissolve sugar in water and let it boil. 

Add a tablespoon of sugar to the yeast, mix it with a cup of lukewarm water and let it rise. 

Add the sugar solution to the grape juice and add the cinnamon bark and nutmeg.  Now add yeast to this and put it in a clay pot, tie the mouth with a piece of cloth and let it ferment for a week. 

After a week, open it, stir it with a spoon, close it again and keep it for 2 days.  Now filter this with a filter paper or a piece of cloth and caramelize it.  To make it a little clearer, fill a funnel with cotton wool and filter it drop by drop.