Honey is a great health drink. Honey is a sweet, sticky, and yellow-brown liquid made from nectar collected from flowers by bees and other insects. It is used in many dishes and recipes around the world because of its sweetness and depth of flavour.

The aroma, colour, and taste of honey vary according to the type of flower it is made of, so there are countless varieties.

Honey has several health benefits and is used in many home remedies.
Here are 7 unique health benefits of honey.
High-quality honey contains important antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. Antioxidants help neutralize your body's reactive oxygen species (ROS).  A lack of antioxidants can lead to conditions such as ageing, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Honey contains a lot of antioxidants.

A tablespoon of honey (20 g) contains,

  • Calories: 61
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 17 g
  • Fibre: 0 g
  • Riboflavin: 1% of the daily value (DV)
  • Copper: 1% of DV
Honey is essentially pure sugar, low in fat and high in protein and fibre.  It contains a small amount of some nutrients, but most people generally do not consume enough honey to be a significant food source of vitamins and minerals.
However, it is worth noting that honey is rich in health-promoting plant compounds known as polyphenols.

Medicinal value of honey

  1. Stress - Daily use of 15ml of honey
  2. Weakness of the body - 15ml of honey with pomegranate juice
  3. Bad breath - Mix 5ml of honey, and 5g of cinnamon powder with water and rinse your mouth daily in the morning and evening.
  4. Toothache - Massage with honey on the gums
  5. Sore Throat - Swallowing with 5ml of Honey and 10ml of Lime Juice (Morning / Day / Night)
  6. Cough - Mix 10ml of honey and 10ml of ginger juice and give twice a day.
  7. Vomiting - Grinding 2.5g of thippili powder with 15ml of paddy popcorn and honey and swallowing it will stop the vomiting.
  8. Hypertension - Mix 5ml of garlic juice with 10ml of honey daily and give it to drink
  9. Burn Wounds - New Honey Coat
  10. Cut wounds - Clean the wounds and apply honey

Benefits of honey to the body

  1. Improves digestion
  2. Develops body strength
  3. Acts as an antibiotic
  4. Can reduce fever.
  5. Is active for infections
  6. Causes drowsiness
  7. The faeces is well excreted
  8. Beneficial in pancreatic conditions caused by haemoglobin deficiency
  9. Controls ageing due to its antioxidant properties
  10. Have rapid wounds healing properties
  11. Can be applied externally and internally to the body and cleanses the body externally and internally
  12. The skin retains moisture when applied to the skin surface
  13. Purifies the blood
  14. Boosts immunity
  15. Beneficial for all skin diseases
  16. Beneficial for skin diseases
  17. Relieves stress
  18. Vomiting during the first 3 months of pregnancy can be avoided by consuming honey before breakfast.