Soybean is not a very familiar crop in Sri Lanka, but it has become a food that is in high demand in many countries of the world today. It is believed that soybeans were first cultivated in Eastern China in the 17th-11th century BC.

It occupies a major place in the diet of Southeast Asian countries such as Japan, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Indonesia, but countries such as the United States, Brazil, and Argentina are at the forefront of soybean production in the world.

Soy-flour, soy-milk, soy-sauce, tofu, tempeh, yuba, miso, soy-sprouts are some of the various soy-related products available in the market.

Soybean, which is a legume, is a type of grain rich in macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients.

Soy contains thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin, which are B group vitamins. A high-quality source of protein that contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron, as well as all essential amino acids. Especially for those who are used to vegetarian countries, soybeans are a food rich in high levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats.

The interesting fact about the latest findings about soy-bean is its amazing ability to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The composition of unique active chemical components in soy-beans plays a very important role for this. Thus, some of the active chemical components found in soybeans are,

  • Saponins, 
  • Phytates, 
  • Protease inhibitors, 
  • Phenolic acids ,
  • Lecithin ,
  • Phytosterols,
  • Iisoflavones
  • Omega-3 fatty acids 
  • Bio active peptides.

Rich in protein and many vitamins, soybean seeds can also be used as soy milk. Soy milk made by grinding soybeans and blending with a little water is a drink with high nutritional value.

Many people bring soya meat from the store and eat it. Others do not like to eat soya meat available in the store. But we all can make soy at home. Here's how to make soya meat from soy beans.

Which is required

  • A cup of soybeans
  • Chilli powder and curry powder powder according to your taste
  • A pinch of salt
  • A little curcumin
  • A little perumkayam (not essential)

This is how it is made

First add 2 cups of water to the soy beans and let them soak overnight.

The next morning, filter the soy beans, add exactly one cup of water and blend once.

Now add all the ingredients to it and again blend well till it becomes like a cream.

Now take small amounts of this mixture and put it on a wax sheet and dry it well in the sun until the pieces of soymeat become thick or put it in an oiled tray and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes.

After drying well, put it in an airtight dry container and keep it closed as we cook the normal soymeat curry or deep fry it to make a devil.

Soy milk 

Soy milk is a delicious drink full of nutrition. But most people do not know how to make soy milk. This is the opportunity for them.

Which is required

  • A cup of soybeans
  • 5 cups of water
  • A clean cloth

This is how it is made

Add 2 cups of water to the soybeans and let them soak overnight. Remove water well in the next day and put 2 cups of water on the stove and boil for about 5 minutes.

After cooling, filter the water again and add another 5 cups of water and blend well.

Now put it in a fine cloth and filter the soy milk and.

Put the milk mixture in a bowl (Nonstick bowl is better) and simmer it on low flame for half an hour.

You can add a little salt, a little vanilla and sugar if needed and drink it. You can keep it in the fridge and drink it. It is a delicious and nutritious drink.