Let's eat moringa for a healthy life.

A popular dish in Asian countries. The Moringa tree, which grows very well in the dry region of Sri Lanka, is a plant that grows on land boundaries.

There are three varieties of this plant that sprouts from branches and seeds. The varieties are called red, blue and white according to the colour of the flowers. Moringa, botanically known as Moringa oleifera, belongs to the genus Movingniceae.

Moringa tree pods, flowers, leaves, roots, etc. are all used as food or medicine. Moringa pods are taken as a curry, leaves as a curry (malluma), and the leaves are dried crushed and made as tea or soup. Moringa leaves are very thin. The leaves can be dried, crushed and added to food.

Seasoning of moringa leaves

Separate the leaves, wash them in water, remove water and dry them in the mild wind without exposure them to direct sunlight. Or keep it in the refrigerator for about 6 days, put it in a grinder, grind it and pack it in a bottle. Thus, by adding powdered moringa leaf powder to the food of small children, the nutrition of the food increases.

 Benefits of drumsticks for the body.

1. Reduces heart disease. That is, it reduces bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol.

2. Controls blood sugar levels.

3. Strengthens the immune system. Reduces the incidence of infectious diseases. Heals wounds quickly.

4. Vitamins A, C, E make the skin healthy and glowing.

5. Eating moringa leaves destroys free radicals produced in the body which are harmful to the body. Cancer occurs when these Free Radicals stay in the body.

6. The nervous system becomes healthy by eating Moringa leaves because they are rich in vitamins C and E.

7. It always gives happiness because it increases the secretion of hormones called dopamine and serotonin. Anxiety is reduced.

8. Moringa leaves are rich in fibre and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

9. Makes the liver healthy. Most beneficial for those taking liver-damaging medications.

10. It is very beneficial to increase the production of breast milk. Therefore, the weight of the baby increases.

11. Makes the kidneys healthy.

Excessive consumption of Moringa leaves is also not advisable.

Do not take more than 150g / 200g per day. Moringa pods are a vegetable with medicinal properties. Immature drumstick pods are best for that. Ripe drumstick seeds have the property of purifying water. Eating moringa improves memory. Moringa leaves are used to reduce the toxicity of poisonous foods.

Amount of nutrients in 100g of Moringa pods.

  • Energy 3.7kcal
  • 8.53mg of carbohydrates
  • 3.29mg of fibre
  • 0.20mg of fat
  • 2.10mg of protein
  • 88.2mg of water

Nutrients containing 100g of moringa leaves.

  • Vitamin A 18mg
  • Vitamin C 150mg
  • Calcium 200 mg
  • Iron 28.2mg
  • 1320mg of potassium
  • Protein 27.9mg

The protein content of Moringa leaves.

  • 9 times as much as yoghurt
  • 10 times that of carrots.
  • 15 times as much as bananas.
  • It has 17 times more calcium than milk.
  • Contains 12 times more vitamins than oranges
  • 25 times more iron than spinach.
  • Contains 4 times more protein than eggs.
  • 1 cup of Moringa leaf juice is equal to 80 cups of milk.

Making Moringa leaves porridge.

Materials needed

  • 1 cup of moringa leaves.
  • 1 cup of rice.
  • A small piece of ginger
  • 4 cups of coconut milk
  • 1 cup of water
  • A pinch of salt
  • A little garlic

How to make

Blend rice and coconut milk. After blending well, put it in the jar. Then blend one cup of moringa leaves and coconut milk with ginger, garlic and salt. Put everything in the pot and add the remaining coconut milk and heat until it boils.

Reading this article, you must have understood the value of drumsticks. Therefore, plant a moringa plant in a sunny place in the home garden and reap the benefits.