Lemon, known by the botanical name Citrus limon, is a type of citrus fruit.  These are yellow in colour and larger in size compared to limes.  Indeed, lemons are one of the best fruits in terms of taste and quality.  They contain many nutritional properties that are very beneficial for our health.  Especially lemons are a rich source of vitamin C. Apart from that, they also contain many nutrients like potassium and calcium.  In addition, many other compounds that are good for the body contains. Headaches are something that can occur at any moment that bothers almost everyone.  From a simple headache to a severe migraine, everyone is eager to take a pill to stop it.  The mass media also encourages the swallowing of an artificial Western medicine pill.  Most people do not know that there are many methods that can be easily done at home without side effects.  So, try it yourself and tell me if this method is good or if it is the Western medicine pillgood

All we need is pure onion and lemon juice.  Onion helps stop headaches and migraines.  It also increases blood purification value, thereby strengthening the nervous system and controlling the alkaline acid composition of the body.

way of making:

Add 2 cloves of onion to a glass of fresh lemon juice.  Mix well and add to another cup with water.  Drink the entire glass at once.  Although the taste is not pleasant, it will stop your headache in minutes.

There are 100 calories in the 29 grams of Lemon.  If you consume lemon with sugar, the calorie count goes up to 209 calories.  If you drink water or tea with lemon, ginger, and honey, each glass adds 60 calories to your diet. Especially if one prepares the morning cup of tea without milk, instead of milk, a squeeze of lemon and honey can be added to the cup of tea.You can stay healthy if you add lemon juice to your daily diet.  Especially helps to overcome digestive problems.  Due to its property of facilitating the digestive process, it helps to alleviate conditions such as inflammation of the chest.  In ancient times, it was customary to give a cup of lemon juice to women when they had a fever or an upset stomach.

Lemon is also a fruit that prevents skin diseases.  Many people are used to drinking lemon juice and honey mixed together to lose weight in their body.

Lemon juice is a proven remedy for many throat infections, including sore throat.  Due to the high level of potassium salts, lemon juice is a medicinal drink for people suffering from heart attacks.  According to doctorsò, lemon is very suitable for controlling diseases like high blood pressure in people.

It also attacks the microbes that infect the human body and prevents it from causing an infection in the body. Lemon also works to prevent dangerous diseases like stroke, heart disease, and cancer. 

Another quality of lemons is that it helps to reduce high blood pressure and subsequently improves cholesterol levels.

Lemon juice brightens natural hair colour.  Brightens the skin.  Lemon juice also helps prevent common colds, bladder infections, and gonorrhea.  Used to relieve pain associated with gastritis.

Another property of lemon juice is that by mixing it with warm water with a pinch of salt and drinking it in the morning every day, blood cholesterol level and body weight can be reduced.  It is also used as a drink to prevent dehydration in the case of diarrhoea.

Lemon juice can also be used as a mouthwash, which prevents tooth decay and whitens teeth.  as well as Strengthening the enamel.  Gargling with lemon juice is said to relieve throat infections.  Medical opinion is that lemon juice also helps to prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis.

It has medicinal value due to nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, nisin, thiamin, folate, riboflavin, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, pantothenic acid and protein.

Just like a fruit, due to the medicinal properties it contains, it is good for sore throat, constipation, tooth-related diseases, all types of fever, internal bleeding, burns, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure, indigestion, rheumatism, obesity.  Due to the potassium contained in lime juice, it is recommended for heart disease patientsIt is very good to do.  Applying lime juice on the skin can prevent skin burns from the sun, prevent skin peeling, remove black spots, and drink honey mixed with lime juice to promote healthy skin growth.  Applying lemon juice on the scalp can control dandruff and hair fall as well as maintain the natural appearance of the hair.  Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water with honey can reduce body weight.

Lime juice, which also affects the immunity of our body, is a medicine that dissolves stones in the bladder.  Here, the formation of the Urinary Citrate compound avoids the formation of Crystals.  Scent obtained from lemon peel is also used to repel mosquitoes.  It is used for sore throat due to the antibacterial properties contained in lime.

Healthy by drinking the juice of 1/2 at a small line a dayA life is available.
Like many other fresh fruits, lemons also have many anti-cancer properties. Also, lemon juice contains vitamins that help protect your cells from damage that can lead to life-threatening diseases.

Lemon has many anti-cancer properties.

Also, lemons contain many valuable nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fibre.  Apart from that, lemon peel also has anti-cancer properties called d-limonene. It is said that this property helps in preventing liver, lung, and other cancers.  Therefore, lemon is an excellent anti-cancer agent who can protect your body naturally and effectively.

• Lemon can naturally remove wrinkles from your skin.
Although you can not reverse the ageing processYou can use lemons to slow down the condition.  In t, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face and improve the quality of your skin. Also, studies have shown that lemon oil reduces oxidative damage to the skin's surface. Furthermore, lemons are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates collagen production and restores skin elasticity.  The natural enzymes in lemon juice tighten loose pores and reduce their appearance.

So, to get these benefits, slice a lemon and massage it into the wrinkles of your face for a few minutes. Or use grated lemon peel as a face mask. Continue this treatment. You will be able to see good results after about a month.
Drink lemon water for weight loss.

Lemon contains vitamin C. So, this vitamin C is hunger and fat storageA nutrient has been proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

So for this you can drink water mixed with lemon. Of course, this drink contains fewer calories.  So it helps you lose weight.

Lemon juice can detoxify the liver.

Drinking lemon water is one of the best ways to get rid of simple toxins from your body and improve the functioning of the digestive system. The pectin contained in lemon helps in this.  Also, lemons have the ability to make the liver detoxification process more efficient. Not only that, but the compounds contained in lemons lead to the improvement of fat splitting, fat absorption, and fat digestion.

You can prepare and drink this drink to get these benefits.

Materials needed

  •  A lemon (cut into slices
  • taken)
  •  A cup of water
  •  1 tbsp lecithin (or raw egg)
  • 2 or 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 vitamin E capsule• .

How to prepare

• • First, mix all the ingredients and keep it overnight in the refrigerator.

• • Now make sure to drink it next morning.

• • Drink half of the mixture before breakfast for best results.

Use lemon to treat throat infections.

Lemons are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that boost your energy levels, and lemons are rich in vitamin C.It can also be identified as a natural antioxidant that has antibacterial properties that increase the antioxidant properties. Therefore, if you are suffering from a sore throat, the properties contained in lemon help to relieve it. So for this,

• • Mix honey, water, and lemon juice, and prepare a delicious drink and drink it. It is indeed a timely solution that can be used to treat your sore throat.

Here, honey coats the throat, and lemon juice reduces your phlegm.  It also helps to relax the muscles in your throat. This delicious drink helps shrink the swollen tissues in the throat and creates an acidic environment for viruses and harmful bacteria.  In fact, this drink is one of the most effective ways to help get rid of viral infections and their subsequent symptoms.

Lemon increases brain activity and reduces
Lemon is a rich source of potassium, so it contributes to the better functioning of your brain. So, if you consume lemon regularly, you will experience improved mental performance and reduced afternoon brain fog.  You will feel more cheerful and energetic during the day.  This is because potassium can activate neurons associated with positive thoughts and feelings.

Lemon juice can relieve the pain of sunburn.

Sunburn spots make your skin look ugly, and it causes redness and inflammation on the skin.  Lemon juice can help you to relieve this condition.

• • Take a tablespoon of lemon juice, rose water, and cucumber juice and mix well.

• • Now soak a cloth in the mixture and place the cloth on the affected area for about 30 minutes.In fact, cucumber and lemon juice are natural bleaching agents that reduce skin redness.  Also, vitamin C contained in lemon reduces skin damage and lightens dark spots. But, you should also make sure that you do not expose yourself to direct sunlight after using the mixture as it can increase your sensitivity to sun rays.

Using lemon can remove acne scars.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which can be used to treat minor acne and acne scars.  Vitamin C also increases the production of collagen and makes the skin smooth and firm. It also encourages the formation of new skin cells.

Moreover, lemon juice works as a natural bleaching agent, so it removes dark spots from the skin, and the citric acid contained in it cleans the skin cells and removes impurities.In addition, lemon juice contains many antibacterial properties that kill acne-causing bacteria.

 For this, mix fresh lemon juice and extra virgin coconut oil and apply on the affected areas using a camphor ball.  After three minutes, wash 0