Couscous is a cereal made from durum wheat. Couscous is a variant of semolina (rulang): it is also made from wheat but prepared in a different way. Therefore, couscous does not need to be boiled; its consistency is softer than semolina, and its calorie content is lower.

Nutrition facts

  • CouscousCouscous100g
  • Energy 600k
  • Fat 1.2g
  • Carbohydrates 25g
  • Suger 0.8g
  • Fiber 2.1g
  • Protein 5.6g
  • Salt 0.01g
  • 5 Health Benefits of Eating Couscous

 It is correct to say that couscous is a food prepared by cutting the brown part of wheat into small pieces. Also, although this is not a popular dish among the people of our country, it is a staple meal of North Africans. This is indeed a very tasty dish. And you can prepare this in various delicious ways. You can find delicious couscous recipes online.

 These contain many beneficial nutrients for our bodies. That is why the benefits we get from eating these are many. So today we are going to inform you about some amazing benefits of eating because

Couscous benefits 

 1. Good source of protein: Whether you follow a diet plan or exercise, your nutritional needs

 While meeting, it is important to maintain the amount of protein the body needs. Couscous is one of the best sources of plant-based protein to meet your protein needs. If you are a vegetarian, this is a great dish to add to your diet.

2 .Increases the function of the immune system ; if you tend to get sick often or have a weak immune system, add couscous to your diet as it contains an antioxidant called selenium that boosts your immunity. Studies have even shown that this antioxidant reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. In addition, selenium plays an important role in the regeneration of vitamins C and E. Both of these vitamins have been found to boost immune system function.

 3. May promote heart health; regular consumption of couscous can prevent heart disease. The selenium it contains reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, as discussed earlier. it helps reduce the build-up of arteries and "bad" LDL cholesterol. In addition, studies have found that the consumption of consciousness can reduce the risk of stroke and death from heart disease.

4. May manage thyroid function; Selenium contained in couscous is very beneficial for thyroid health. Studies have found that it is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and contributes to the production of hormones. By doing so, selenium protects the thyroid gland from damage.

5. Reduces the risk of cancer; regular consumption of selenium in couscous can reduce the risk of some cancers. A study found that high blood levels of selenium may help protect against certain cancers.

 So you too, add couscous to your diet as you like and experience its health benefits. You can buy couscous in stores.

To boil couscous, boil water in a saucepan and add 2 parts boiling water to one part grain. Pour the grains into a saucepan, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:2 (2 cups of water for 1 cup of couscous

Cover the couscous tightly with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. After boiling, add oil and stir.

 How to cook couscous?


  • 1 glass of couscous, 
  • 1 glass of boiling water

1. Pour the couscous into the saucepan without rinsing.

2. Pour salted boiling water over the groats - 2 cups of boiling water for each glass of cous cous.

3. Close the saucepan with a lid and leave the couscous for 5 minutes.

 Your couscous is cooked!

Interesting facts about couscous

Couscous is a cereal made from durum wheat. Couscous is a variant of semolina: it is also made from wheat but prepared in a different way. Therefore, couscous does not need to be boiled; its consistency is softer than semolina, and its calorie content is lower.


I have a new couscous recipe for you. It’s very flavorful because I cooked it in broth and not water plus it’s packed full of vegetables. It’s an alternative to rice, and it’s healthy, too. I hope you try it out. Enjoy!


  • 1 Cup Couscous
  • 2 tbsp Cooking Oil
  • 1 tbsp Seasoning Powder
  • 1 medium Carrots
  • 1/2 cups each yellow and red pepper
  • 1 Medium Green Pepper
  • 1 tsp Curry Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Rosemary
  • 1/2 tsp White Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 Garlic Powder

How to make 

• Dissolve some seasoning powder in some water to make a broth to cook the couscous. Be careful not to use too much broth in cooking the couscous, so it's not soggy. Add water a little at a time.

• After the broth has boiled, add the couscous.

• Put a little oil in the pan, add the carrots first because they are tougher to cook.

• Add bell peppers.

• Add all seasoning.

• Add a little sweetcorn and spring onions.

• Fluff up the cooked couscous, then add to the stir-fried veggies.

• Stir continuously to allow the flavours of the veggies to mix well with the couscous.

• Cover for about 2 minutes to allow the flavours from the vegetables to be soaked up by the couscous

• Your vegetables couscous is ready to serve. You can serve it with any protein of your choice.