Although bananas are popular as a fruit in all countries of the world, banana flowers are eaten as food only in India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asian countries. But, as a vegetable, it is commonly found in Thai dishes.

The people of this country also use the name "kesel muwa" for the banana flower that is eaten. Although banana is known as a very nutritious vegetable, it is a vegetable that is falling down on the list of food priorities of many people these days. Although it is cheap and easy to find, this vegetable, which has not gained much value due to ignorance, has amazing medicinal and nutritional properties that solve many serious diseases.

It is found in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle cells. Haemoglobin is essential for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

 About 6 % of iron is a component of certain proteins essential for respiration and energy metabolism, and iron is also a component of enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen and some neurotransmitters.

Iron is also needed for the proper functioning of the immune system. Thus, the iron we get from food plays a crucial role in human blood and good physical and mental well-being. Decreased iron content in the blood is also a leading factor affecting anaemia.

Anaemia among women of reproductive age in Sri Lanka is as high as 32.60 % and approximately one in seven children, and one in three women are anaemic. Iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of anaemia. Iron deficiency anaemia is still a major health problem in Sri Lanka.

One of the leading factors for iron deficiency is that the body does not get enough iron from the food we eat. Nutritionists recommend eating iron-rich foods in order to get the iron the body needs. There are two forms of iron in food.

The iron found in meat foods is known as heme iron. Generally, haeme iron is the easiest form for the body to absorb. Plant foods contain non-haeme iron, which is considered difficult for the body to absorb like haeme iron. Nutritional advice is to take non-haeme iron with foods rich in vitamin C or with meats containing haeme iron for easy absorption by the body.

The flower that remain after the bananas are harvested are a very nutritious vegetable. Being rich in iron, it is very beneficial for anaemia. Can be eaten as moju, fries.

As we know, who have studied Western nutritional science books, iron is mostly contained in foods such as meat and bread. Popular iron-rich plant foods are spinach, chickpeas, green beans, and beans. There are 3-4 milligrams of iron per hundred grams of that food and about 6.5 milligrams of iron per hundred grams of meat (Pikudu).

Among the foods in the world, oysters, which are generally considered expensive hot food, have been considered by nutritionists to be the food with the highest iron content. There are 28 milligrams of iron in one hundred grams of mussel species, which is equal to the amount of iron that an average pregnant woman needs on a daily basis.

However, according to the latest findings, it has been found that there are 56.4 milligrams of iron in one hundred grams of banana flowers. In other words, a pregnant mother needs to eat only 50 grams of banana flowers to get the required amount of iron daily.

In general, the most common foods to get copper minerals are shellfish and shellfish. These contain 3-4 mg of copper per 100 grams, sesame seeds contain 2.5 mg, and cashew nuts contain about 2.2 mg of copper per 100 grams. 100 grams of banana flower contains 13 milligrams of copper, which is more than three to four times the maximum content of copper-containing foods. Thus, it should be emphasized that banana flowers are not suitable for daily diet as too much copper can lead to side effects. In addition to this, banana flowers are a food rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Another unique nutritional feature of banana flowers is that they contain a lot of dietary fibre. Banana flower vitamins C, A, and vitamin E are antioxidants that help destroy harmful free radicals that damage the body. Apart from this, banana flowers are rich in protein.

Antibacterial property of banana flower

There is experimental evidence that banana flowers can be used as a treatment for infections. Some studies have found that banana flower can help heal wounds, and banana flower extract can prevent the growth of the malaria parasite.

The attention of scientists has been mostly focused on the blood sugar control properties of the banana flower. Several researches have been conducted on this, and the results of all those researches are promising. According to a research carried out by a group of scientists from the Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition affiliated to the Central Food Technology Research Institute, Mysore, India, it has been found that the banana flower and the bark of the banana tree are exceptionally effective in controlling diabetes and obesity.

High in antioxidant properties

The formation of free radicals in the body causes serious health problems. Fortunately, it has been discovered that antioxidants that destroy these free radicals are hidden in the banana flower. Thus, banana flowers can be used as a remedy for many health problems such as premature ageing, neurological disorders, heart diseases, and cancer.

Improves mood and reduces anxiety

Due to its high magnesium content, bananas reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood.

Reduces menstrual bleeding

Some women experience severe pain during menstruation, and some women experience heavy menstrual bleeding. A spoonful of cooked banana flower curry in your rice bowl can have these amazing results. Banana flowers cooked with yoghurt have also been found to increase progesterone hormone in the body and reduce bleeding.

Very good for lactating and pregnant mothers

Banana flower is one of the most affordable and reliable foods that ensures that pregnant and lactating mothers will get high nutrients with the least toxins. As some mothers are at risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy, it is important to eat banana flowers to avoid such risk. Banana flowers also have the property of relieving morning sickness. Also, since it is a food that prevents constipation, it can be said that the inclusion of banana flowers in the diet of pregnant mothers at least two or three times a week leads to many health benefits. Especially new mothers face many problems while breastfeeding. One of the main problems they face is low milk supply. Banana flowers increase milk supply and can help new mothers feed their babies better.

Banana flowers are food without any side effects. However, more research is needed to recommend banana flower as an anti-inflammatory drug.