Avocado  benefits 

 Avocado, botanically known as Persea americana, is a fruit that is rich in taste and quality. This avocado, which belongs to the genus Loraceae, contains nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, E, K, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. and has antioxidant properties. Also, this fruit, which has many medicinal properties, is used in Ayurveda to alleviate many diseases.

Moreover, there are many benefits that we get by eating avocado. From controlling cholesterol levels to brightening the skin, it provides us with many benefits.

Also, this amazing fruit is used not only for medicinal purposes but also for culinary uses and cosmetic uses. Therefore, avocados have a special place in the world of fruits.And there is the possibility of adding it to your diet in various delicious ways like avocado ice cream, juice, salad, smoothie etc. So here are some health benefits of eating avocado.

 1. Protects your eyes

 Avocados contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which absorb light waves that can damage your vision, so people who eat foods rich in these antioxidants have a lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in adulthood. Most of the antioxidants in avocados are found in the dark green flesh closest to the skin.

2. Supports weight loss

 Avocados contain a lot of fibre, which helps you feel full, so it can reduce your tendency to overeat. What makes avocados special is that although they are high in fat, fat is mainly healthy monounsaturated fat. Research has found that this type of fat can help reduce the size of your waistline.

 3. Uplifts your mood

 Avocados contain vitamin B, which helps to relieve depression and boost mood. Also, as vitamin B or folate plays a big role in preventing birth defects, it is advisable for expectant mothers to eat avocados frequently.

 4. It makes you strong

 Avocados contain many other B vitamins, including thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3), which help your body convert the food you eat into energy. Moreover, avocados are rich in niacin, which reduces inflammation in the body and helps protect your arteries.

5. Good for your heart

 Studies have even shown that adding avocado to the diet can lower "bad" cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, thus helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.

 6. Protects your brain

 Avocados contain vitamin E, which helps protect against Alzheimer's disease and improve your memory and thinking skills. This may be related to the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. Not only that, but it also helps fight cell damage caused over time by things like pollution and radiation from the sun.

7. Strengthens bones

Avocados contain vitamin K, and this nutrient helps to increase bone density and prevent bone fractures. In fact, vitamin K plays a major role in healthy bone health.

8. Controls diabetes

Avocados are one of the best foods for people with diabetes because they contain healthy fats and fibre, and even studies have shown that avocados can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

10. Reduces the risk of certain cancers

Studies have even revealed that the components contained in avocados are able to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Not only that, a compound called avocation B in avocados can destroy leukaemia cells.

Now, it is clear to you that avocado is a healthy fruit with many nutritional properties. So eat avocado and experience the above benefits.

Avocados are rich in nutrition.

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one serving per person (one-fifth of an avocado, about 40 grams) contains:

64 calories.

Almost 6 grams of fat.

3.4 grams of carbohydrates.

Less than one gram of sugar.

Almost 3 grams of fibre.

Avocados are a good source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium.

They also provide lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.

 Are avocados poisonous? 5 things you didn't know 

Avocado, which bears fruit twice a season, is like divine medicine. Rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, B, C, E, K, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and antioxidant properties, avocado is a valuable fruit that cures many diseases and preserves the beauty of the body. But, this is not about the qualities of these. About 5 special things that you didn't know before.

No matter how long it takes, why does the avocado tree not ripen?

Generally, when a fruit grows on a tree, if it is not broken, the birds will eat it. Or it swells and rots and falls to the ground. But even if the avocado is ripe, no matter how long it has been on the tree, it will not ripen until it is harvested, that is, until it is cut from the tree.

In general, fruit must be exposed to a gas called ethylene to ripen. Fruits produce this gas and do not need to use this gas in addition to building.

But avocado does not do that. Therefore, to ripen avocados, ripening is accelerated by placing them in an area rich in ethylene or near a fruit that produces large amounts of ethylene (for example, bananas).

1. Avocado Pudding

Materials needed

  1. Avocado 1
  2. 3/4 cup milkmaid
  3. 2 cups of fresh milk
  4. 2 tablespoons of gelatin
  5. 2 teaspoons of vanilla
  6. 1/2 cup of sugar

Put a pot on the stove and add the milk. When the milk boils, add the sugar. Add a little milkmaid and spoon it. When the sugar melts, take it off the stove and let it cool.

 Add 1/4 cup of hot water to the gelatin and let it dissolve. Cut the avocado and put it in the blender, add the milk mixture, and blend it well.

Add gelation to this and mix. Put it in a butter glazed mould and let it set in the fridge for 4 hours before eating.

  Avocado Curry

Materials needed

  1. 2 half-ripe avocados
  2. Cut potatoes1
  3. 1 chopped onion
  4. 1 tablespoon of chopped ginger and garlic
  5. Curry and Rampe
  6. 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
  7. 1 teaspoon of raw thunapahakudu
  8. 1 teaspoon of chilli powder
  9. Chopped tomatoes 1
  10.  A little mustard
  11.  A little cumin
  12. A little bit of uluhal
  13. 2 green chilli pods
  14. A little oil

 Peel the avocados and cut them into squares. Cut the potato, too. Mix these two and add chillies, thunapahakudu, ginger garlic paste, kahakudu, and keep aside.

Put some oil in a pot, and when it heats up, add mustard, cumin, and uluhal. Add some chopped onion, rampe, curry powder, and green chillies. Add chopped tomatoes. Next, added the avocado and potatoes. Cover and cook for about 5 minutes. Add salt to taste