Why we eat bananas?

Everyone, big or small, loves to eat bananas, a nutritious and delicious fruit. Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, bananas are rich in potassium, which is crucial for maintaining blood pressure in the body. Banana is a natural immunity boosting fruit. It has the ability to eliminate bacteria in the intestines and reduce inflammation. The high fibre content in bananas helps prevent constipation. Banana can be called a very suitable food to improve the reduced energy level. With so many health benefits, some people are reluctant to eat this delicious fruit at certain times of the day. The ancients say that eating bananas at night can cure colds and coughs.

 Since bananas are a nutrient-dense fruit, they take a long time to digest. If you absolutely must eat bananas, eat them at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. It is generally accepted that people with colds and coughs should avoid eating bananas or citrus fruits at night. It is also true that one is more susceptible to infections at night and should not eat anything before going to bed. Because our body's ability to digest food is less at night.

Bananas have enough magnesium to help you sleep. But, people with asthma, colds, and fever should be careful while eating bananas. It is best to consult their doctors. So, before eating bananas at night, be imaginative.

There are three main types of sugar found naturally in a banana. It contains sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

Therefore, eating a banana is not like an energy drink; it is actually an instant energy booster for the body.

 It is rich in fibre, so it is easy to digest.

That's why bananas are popular food among the world's famous athletes.

 But apart from energy, 

bananas have many benefits 

to stress


According to research conducted by the Mind Institute on a group of people with stress, many of them have declared that they feel relieved by eating a banana. The scientific background here is that tryptophan, a type of protein found in bananas, becomes serotonin in the body, a compound that eases the mind and relieves stress.

Another point is vitamin B6 in bananas. Vitamin B6 regulates blood glucose levels, and blood glucose levels have been found to affect mood.

No more pills for stress.

For lack of blood

Eating bananas can increase the production of haemoglobin in the blood due to its high iron content, which is a treatment for anaemia.

to blood pressure

Bananas contain high amounts of potassium, and the amount of onion is minimal. Therefore, it is a good weapon to suppress blood pressure. The American Food and Drug Administration has also worked to give permission to manufacturers to officially announce that banana products have the ability to suppress blood pressure conditions and strokes.

 To grow the brain

 It is reported that 200 students of a British school ate bananas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day and completed their studies more successfully than before. According to scientists, the high potassium in bananas is able to maintain high brain activity and, therefore, more than study work. It can be done with attention.


Bananas are the best answer to constipation because they are fiber-rich food.

It is advisable to drink bananas mixed with milk and honey to avoid discomforts in the morning after drinking alcohol at night - mainly due to dehydration. Bananas normalize the stomach, and honey increases the sugar level in the body, which is reduced due to alcohol.Reduces milk dehydration.

For pains in the heart

 Bananas have the ability to control acidic conditions in the body. Eating a banana will bring relief in case of heartache.

Difficulties for women who expect to give birth

Eating bananas during meals can raise the level of glucose in the blood.

To mosquito bites

Not one type of ointment, but by rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the mosquito bite area, it is possible to reduce the pain and swelling.

 to the nerves

High in B vitamins, bananas promote nervous system health.

 For stomach ulcers

 Banana is the best answer to various infections in the alimentary tract. When travelling through the alimentary canal due to soft food, no matter what the condition of the alimentary canal is due to infections, it does not cause pain. Banana is also a good treatment for ulcers caused by acid conditions in the stomach. It prevents further acid-induced ulcers from becoming "ulcers."

To reduce the temperature

The body temperature of women who are about to have children is lowered. Bananas are believed to have energy. Bananas are believed to have energy. In Thailand, expectant mothers are still allowed to eat bananas. They believe that the child born will be a child with a cool body.

 In addition to these, bananas also have the ability to reduce obesity. According to the research conducted by experts, obesity has grown to the extent that it is considered a disease in some countries because of human's wrong eating habits. Therefore, they show that getting used to eating natural foods like bananas will help to suppress this condition.ⁿ

 You've no doubt heard the saying, "An apple a day keeps a doctor away." But bananas are four times higher in protein, twice higher in carbohydrates, and three times higher in phosphorus than apples. , five times higher in vitamin A and iron, twice higher in other vitamins and minerals.

Considering this, it seems that we have been saying the above saying all this time wrongly.

In fact, banana is a food that is worth more than the price paid and has a unique place that no other food can come close to. It is a pity that most of us do not recognize it.